Talk like a Pickleball Player
So you're into the game? Showing up at the local pickleball facility can be an overwhelming experience on your first visit; but in most instances, you're just a few dinks away from a welcoming crowd and acceptance into the growing pickleball community. But if you're not sure where to start, here are some popular pickleball phrases:
- "Dinking": A soft shot that is hit just over the net and lands in the kitchen.
- "Kitchen": The area on the court closest to the net, also known as the non-volley zone.
- "Third shot drop": A soft shot hit by the serving team on the third shot to try and land it in the kitchen. It's dangerous and awesome; and exactly why we inherited the name "Nice Drop".
- "Stacking": A strategy where the two players on a doubles team switch sides on the court after each point to gain an advantage. Don't get into this too early in your career, as it can cause total confusion.
- "Ernie": A shot where a player runs to the non-volley zone and hits the ball out of the air on the side opposite their dominant hand. It's always celebrated when done correctly.
- "Kitchen violation": When a player steps into the kitchen while hitting a ball, resulting in a fault. If you see yourself fall in, it's time to own up.
- "Side-out": When the serving team loses the point, and the opposing team takes over the serve.
- "Pickleball is life": A mantra and common phrase among pickleball enthusiasts, emphasizing the importance of the sport in their lives.
- "Pickleball addiction": A playful way to describe a player's love for the game and desire to play as often as possible.
These are just a few examples of popular pickleball phrases. Some many more terms and sayings are unique to the sport, and learning them can help you better understand and enjoy the game. See ya out there!